Thursday, March 17, 2011

Death Agony of Capitalism

U.N. Security Council just voted 10-0 to establish a no-fly zone over Libya. Why all the urgency of military action in Libya compared to, say, Egypt? Clearly, the former country's vast oil reserves played more than a supporting role in the full-scale mobilization of the American media to finally "deal with Qaddafi", who they never really trusted. The aging dictator's future is even more uncertain than before now, with a multinational (read: U.S.-dominated) bombing raid set to begin within a few hours.

At the same time the Japanese earthquake has laid bare the short-sighted thinking of the country's elites who placed dozens of nuclear power plants near the planet's biggest fault line. The ongoing destruction of the planet, the shocking realization that the apocalyptic Gulf oil spill of 2010 seems long forgotten, the crisis of capitalism squeezing working people everywhere...

I could go on. Things are bad. Mass revolutionary parties in every country are an urgent necessity.

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